Harvard Mathematics Logo CDM Conference 2001

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Science Center, Hall C

Harvard and MIT present: CDM Conference 2001

History For the past six years the departments of Mathematics at Harvard and MIT have been running the Current Developments in Mathematics Conference. This year is the seventh year of continuing this tradition.
Time The CDM committee has decided that the conference should always be run on the weekend before Thanksgiving, therefore this year will be on November 16 and 17.
Place: The conference will take place at Harvard University, Science Center ( Plan) Lecture Hall "C".
Schedule :
Daniel Freed
"New Frontiers for K-Theory"
Talk I: 2:00 - 2:50
Talk II: 3:00 - 3:50
Beverages and light refreshments
will be provided at breaks.
Gunar Carlsson
"Recent developments in algebraic K-theory"
Talk I: 4:00 - 4:50
Talk II: 5:00 - 5:50
Banquet on Friday night at 7:30pm
in the Royal East Chinese Restaurant.

8:30 - Continental Breakfast
Eliot Lieb
"The Bose Gas: A Subtle Many-Body Problem"
Talk I: 9:00 - 9:50
"The Mathematics Of The Second Law Of Thermodynamics"
Talk II: 10:05 - 10:55
Shou-Wu Zhang
"On Gross-Zagier Formula"
Talk I: 11:10 - 12:00
Talk II: 2:00 - 2:50
Wing Wong
"Topics in Computational Biology and Machine Learning"
Talk I: 3:05 - 3:55
Talk II: 4:10 - 5:00

Banquet: There will be a banquet on Friday evening, November 16th. at 7:30pm. Banquet will take place at the Royal East Chinese Restaurant.
Dinner should be a nice gathering for all of the mathematicians in this area. Since the reservation for the dinner has to be made ahead of time, to reserve your seat please RSVP to Bo Stanek either be email (stanek@math.harvard.edu), by phone:617-495-1980 or in person in Science Center, room 332.
Cost for Dinner: junior and senior faculty: $25.00, graduate students pay $5.00.
Please send payment, by check or money order, payable to Harvard University, Department of Mathematics, One Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 at your earliest convenience.
Local Hotels:
Harvard Manor House (800) 458-5886 or (617) 864-5200 110 Mount Auburn Street Next to Harvard Square (MBTA: Harvard Square stop on red line).
Suisse Chalet (800) 258-1980 or (617) 661-7800 211 Concord Turnpike 1.5 miles west of Harvard Square (MBTA: 5-minute walk from Alewife stop on red line).
Howard Johnsons (800) 654-2000 or (617) 492-7777 777 Memorial Drive 1.5 miles from Harvard Square or MIT, on the Charles River (MBTA: no direct service; 20 minute walk to Central Square stop on red line).
Irving House Bed & Breakfast (617) 547-4600 24 Irving Street 10 minute walk from Harvard Square (MBTA: Harvard Square stop on red line).
Information : Address any questions to Bo Stanek at stanek@math.harvard.edu

Last update, 11/6/2001