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Visitor Computing at the Harvard Mathematics Department

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Due to limited hardware resources, the Harvard Mathematics Department is unable to guarantee individual office computers for every visiting scholar. However, there are public Apple Macintosh computers available on all four floors of the Math Department for the use of graduate students and visitors with computing accounts in the Math Department. Some visitor's offices may have desktop Mac computers that can also be used by those with Math Department computing accounts. Math Department public printers, also located on each floor, can be accessed without requiring a Math Department account. Web access can be arranged for visitors with no Math Department account and no computer. In any event, what follows describes in more detail what can be done with regards to the computing needs of visitors.

Computers with wireless capability

If you bring a computer with wireless capabilities you will be able to access the web, your home institution's email, the rest of the Internet, and our department printers without a Math Department computing account. Even so, the use of wireless capabilities requires an initial registration of your computer with the wireless network. Registering your laptop: When you arrive at the Harvard Math Department, enable your wireless access and connect to the "Harvard University" network. Open a web browser and attempt to access a web page. The browser should force you to a registration page. If you have a Harvard ID and PIN, then you can directly log in. If not, ask your Math Department sponsor to log you in. (The ID and PIN are only required for your first access.) By the way, some Math Department printers can be accessed via the wireless network. The list of printers is at

Computers without wireless capability

Computers without wireless capabilities can also be accommodated. However, they need to be manually registered on the network by a member of the departmental computing staff. After you arrive and are assigned an office, please arrange with Arthur Gaer our System Administrator (Room 426, to register your computer. the Faculty of Arts and Sciences' network registration system.

Math Department computing accounts

If you wish to use the Math Department's computers - most useful for visitors -- you will need a Math Department computing account. This can be arranged by seeing Arthur Gaer in 426g. to choose a username (maximum of 8 characters), create the account and choose a password.

Simplicity, Clarity, Generality B.W. Kernighan, R. Pike, in "The Practice of Programming".
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