The final exam took place on Jan 17 at 2:15 PM in Science center C and D.
The final exam schedule directed students with names A-L to Science Center C,
and students with names M-Z go to Science Center D.
The final exam in exam group 1 is a three-hour final exam administered
by the Exams Office for all enrolled students. As such
the exam is subject to the following criteria:
The second hourly took place Thursday, Nov 15, 2007, Hall A, E and SC 507 from
7-8:30 PM. Seating was Hall A: A-La, Hall E: Le-Wa,
SC 507 We-Z.
| The first hourly took place Wednesday, Oct 17. 2007, lecture hall A and D, 7-8:30 PM. Students with last name A-H took the exam in lecture hall A, Students with last name I-Z took the exam in lecture hall D. We had a global review session for the first hourly in Hall D, from 7-8:30 on Sunday 10/14/2007. |
Official policy at Havard is that "out of sequence exams" are only offered for students observing religious holidays. We sometimes can accomodate students who happen to have an important sports event at the same time (it must be an actual game or tournament) or a concert or theater event (regular practice or rehearsals of course do not qualify to miss the exam) or a political election event (for which you are a major candidate). In case of a qualifying conflict, contact the course head to see whether it is possible to arrange the exam earlier at the same day. We will need a letter from your coach or director. The request has to come at least a week before the exam. |