Harvard University,FAS
Spring 2003

Mathematics Math21a
Spring 2003

Multivariable Calculus

Course Head: Oliver knill
Office: SciCtr 434
Email: knill@math.harvard.edu
News Syllabus Sections Checks Calendar Homework Exams Addons Lab Project Faq Links


- About this course:

       - extends single variable calculus to higher dimensions;
       - provides vocabulary for understanding the fundamental
         equations of nature (e.g., weather, heat, planetary  motion,
         waves, finance, epidemiology, quantum mechanics, bioinformatics, etc.);
       - provides tools for describing curves, surfaces, and other
         graphical objects in three dimensions;
       - develops methods for solving optimization problems with and
         without constraints;
       - prepares you for further study both in other fields of
         mathematics and its applications;
       - improves thinking skills, problem solving skills,
         visualization skills, and computing skills;

- Prerequisites: Math 1b or equivalent

- How to Sign Up: Input your time preferences on the web by Thursday Jan 30.

- Section Types:  Regular, Physics, BioChem flavors. 

- Introductory Meeting:  Wednesday, Jan 29, Science Center B at 8 AM
    If you missed it: here are the slides (Quicktime 10 Meg).

- Lectures Start:  Feb 3 for MWF sections, Feb 4 for TTh sections

- Course Head:  Oliver Knill
                       Science Center SC-434

- Sections:


- Weekly Recitations:  Arranged by Course Assistants

- Question Center:  8-10 pm except Fridays and Saturdays in Loker Commons 

- Text: "Multivariable Calculus: Concepts and Contexts" by James Stewart.
               Plus handouts and other material for special sections.

- Homework:  Weekly HW assigned in small parts, one part per lecture.
           No late homework is accepted.  You are encouraged to
           discuss solution strategies with classmates, but you
           must write up answers yourself in your own words.  As
           with any academic work, please cite sources consulted.

- Computers:  The use of computers and other electronic aids
           is not be permitted during exams. Mathematica
           project is an option for a project.

- Exams: 
           First Hourly  at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, Mar 10, Sci Ctr C
           Second Hourly at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Apr 23. Sci Ctr D and E.
           Final Examination:  will be scheduled by registrar.

- Grades: 

            First and second hourly                   40 %
            Homework                                  25 %
            Project                                    5 %
            Final                                     30 %

            The higher-scoring mid-term will be worth 25%, the other mid-term 
            will be worth 15%. If the grade on the final exam is higher than 
            the grade from the composite score, then the final grade for the 
            course will be equal to the grade on the final exam.

-  Calendar: 12 weeks 

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa  Week  Special dates                  Month
26 27 28 29 30 31  1        29. Jan. Intro Meeting         Jan
 2  3  4  5  6  7  8    1    3. Feb. Classes start         Feb
 9 10 11 12 13 14 15    2
16 17 18 19 20 21 22    3   17. Feb. Presidents day 
23 24 25 26 27 28  1    4
 2  3  4  5  6  7  8    5                                  Mar
 9 10 11 12 13 14 15    6   10. Mar. 1. Hourly
16 17 18 19 20 21 22    7
23 24 25 26 27 28 29        Spring break 
30 31  1  2  3  4  5    8                                  Apr
 6  7  8  9 10 11 12    9
13 14 15 16 17 18 19   10
20 21 22 23 24 25 26   11   23. Apr. 2. Hourly
27 28 29 30  1  2  3   12                                  May
 4  5  6  7  8  9 10        Reading period -> 14.
11 12 13 14 15 16 17        Exam period -> 23. 
18 19 20 21 22 23 24     

- Day to Day syllabus:  

Hour      Topic                        Book section

         1. Geometry of Space 

 1          - coordinates                       9.1
            - distance
 2          - vectors                           9.2
            - dot product                       9.3
 3          - cross product                     9.4

        2. Functions and Graphs 

 1          - lines and planes                  9.5
            - distance formulas 
 2          - functions                         9.6
 3          - level curves 
            - quadrics

        3. Curves

 1          - holiday (presidents day)

 2          - curves in space                  10.1
            - velocity
            - acceleration                     10.2
 3          - arc length                       10.3
            - curvature                        10.4

        4. Surfaces

 1          - cylindrical coordinates           9.7
            - spherical coordinates
 2          - parametric surfaces              10.5
 3          - functions                        11.1
            - continuity                       11.2

        5. Partial Derivatives

 1          - partial derivatives              11.3
              Solutions to PDE's I
 2          - linear approximation             11.4

 3          - review for first hourly

        First Midterm (on chapters 9-10, 11.1-11.2)

        6. Chain rule 

 1          - chain rule                       11.5
              implicit differentiation
 2          - gradient 
              gradient and level curves
 3          - directional derivative           11.6
              direction with steepest slope

        7. Extrema

 1          - maxima, minima, saddle points    11.7
 2          - Lagrange multipliers             11.8
 3          - Combined problems

        Spring break

        8. Double Integrals

 1          - double integrals                 12.1
            - iterated integrals               12.2
 2          - general regions                  12.3
            - polar coordinates                12.4
 3          - surface area                     12.6

        9. Triple Integrals

 1          - triple integrals                 12.7
 2          - cylinder spherical coordinates   12.8
 3          - change of variables              12.9

        10. Line Integrals

 1          - vector fields                    13.1
 2          - line integrals                   13.2
 3          - fundamental thm line integrals   13.3

        Second Midterm  (through chapter 12, 13.1)

        11. Integral Theorems I

 1          - some inclass review 
 2          - Greens theorem                   13.4
 3          - curl and divergence              13.5

        12. Integral Theorems II

 1          - surface integrals                13.6
 2          - Stokes theorem                   13.7
 3          - Gauss theorem                    13.8
            - Applications                     13.9

Please send comments to math21a@fas.harvard.edu

Wed May 21 22:22:42 EDT 2003