Harvard University,FAS
Spring 2006

Mathematics Math21a
Spring 2006

Multivariable Calculus

Course Head: Oliver Knill
Office: SciCtr 434
Email: knill@math.harvard.edu
Harvard Mathematics

Weekly checklists [PDF]: "Somewhere, over the rainbow ..."
Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Week6 Week7 Week8 Week9 Week10 Week11 Week12


Official policy at Havard is that "out of sequence exams" are only offered for students observing religious holidays. We sometimes can accomodate students who happen to have an important sports event at the same time (it must be an actual game or tournament) or a concert or theater event (regular practice or rehearsals of course do not qualify to miss the exam). In case of a qualifying conflict, contact the course head to see whether it is possible to arrange the exam earlier at the same day. We will need a letter from your coach or director. The request has to come at least a week before the exam.

Distribution of the final exam (scaled from 140 to 100) The final exam had an average of 110.8/140 ~ 79.2 points and a standard deviation of 11.9.
Distribution of the last three problems. The average of those problems was 19.9/30.
The final:

The final examination took place Tuesday, May 23rd, 2006, at 2:15 PM in Science Center C. Spring exam schedule [PDF].
The exam: Practice exams: Solutions: Coursewide reviews took place Monday 5/15 and Tuesday 5/16 both in hall D, both from 2-4 PM. Biochem sections had a review at 3 PM on Tuesday in room SC 103B
The second hourly:

The second hourly took place April 18, Hall D, 7-8:30 PM. A coursewide review was scheduled from 7-8:00 on Sun April 16, Hall E. The course average of the second midterm was 83, the standard deviation 9.9.
The first hourly:

took place March 14, Hall D, 7-8:30 PM. The plenary review session was on 7-8:30pm on Sunday 3/12 in lecture Hall E. The average was 75.5, the median 77, the standard deviation 11.3.

Please send comments to math21a@fas.harvard.edu
Math21a, Multivariable Calculus, Spring 2006, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Art and Sciences, Harvard University

Fri May 26 21:44:46 EDT 2006