Department of Mathematics FAS Harvard University One Oxford Street Cambridge MA 02138 USA Tel: (617) 495-2171 Fax: (617) 495-5132
New department page on upper level.

Job description

Upper level CA Application

To apply, please fill out one or both of these forms depending on which semester you are applying for. Both forms are always open and recording applications, so fill them out at any time, but note the preferential deadlines for each. Please resubmit this form if your plans or preferences have changed. Only your most recent submission will be taken into account.
  • To apply to be a CA for FALL 2021 courses, please click
    Please submit this form by May 31 to be considered for next fall. You will hear back early June if you are selected. For questions about upper level CA positions, contact Oliver Knill If you are interested in an Ma-21b course assistant position, start here instead. There is a different application process for lower level CA positions. Please submit the form again if your plans change.

    Lineup Spring 2020

    Lineup Fall 2019

    Lineup Spring 2019

    Lineup Fall 2018

    Lineup Fall 2017

    Lineup Spring 2017

    Lineup Fall 2016

    Math 23a   Patel   apatel@math   TTH 1:30-3pm
                   Becky Jarvis         jarvis@college
                   Juan Esteller        esteller@college
                   Matthew Estes        matthewestes@college
                   Elaine Reichert      reichertelaine@gmail
                   Bryn Huxley Reicher  bhuxleyreicher@college
                   Kenneth Wang         kwang02@college
                   Shira Li             shirali@college
                   (G)  Eduard Duryev   eduryev@math
                   (G)  Morgan Opie     opie@math
    Math 25a   Peterson   ecp@math   MWF 10-11am
                   Handong Park   handongpark@college
                   Thayer Anderson   thayeranderson@college
                   Davis Lazowski   dlazowski@college
                   Rohil Prasad   prasad01@college
                   (G)   Yihang Zhu     yihang@math
    Math 55a   Elkies   elkies@math   MWF 11am-noon
                   Wyatt Mackey         wmackey@college
                   Andrew Gordon        andrewgordon@college
    Math 101   McMullen   ctm@math   TTH 10-11:30am
                   Christian Carrick    christiancarrick@college
                   Hans Gaebler         jgaebler@college
    Math 114   Haiden   haiden@math   TTH 1-2:30pm
                   Kevin Yang           kevinyang@college
    Math 116   Bamberg   bamberg@math   MW 12:30-2pm
                   (G)   Benjamin Gunby bgunby@math
    Math 117   Bamberg   bamberg@math   TTH 2:30-4pm
                   Luca Schroeder       schroeder@college
    Math 121   Ullery   bullery@math   MWF 11am-noon
                   Stefan Spataru       stefanspataru@college
    Math 122   Hopkins   mjh@math   MWF 2-3pm
                   Kay (Kaiyue) Lu      kaiyuelu@college
                   Jaimal Ichharam      jichharam@college
                   (G)   Danny Shi      dannyshi@math
    Math 124   Tripathy   tripathy@math   TTH 10-11:30am
                   Kat Zhou             kathleenzhou@college
    Math 131   Harris   harris@math   MWF 10-11am
                   Ashvin Swaminathan   aaswaminathan@college
                   Carlos Albors-Riera  carlosalborsriera@college
                   Shyam Narayanan      shyamnarayanan@college
    Math 136   Taubes   chtaubes@math   MWF 12-1pm
                   Denis Turcu          dturcu@college
    Math 145a  Boney    wboney@math   TTH 1-2:30pm
                   Justin Cavitt        justincavitt@college
    Math 152   Bamberg   bamberg@math   TTH 11:30am-1pm
                   Aaron Slipper        slipper.aaron@gmail
    Math 212a  Yau      yau@math      MWF 10am
                  (G)  Robert Martinez
    Math 213a  Schmid   schmid@math   TTH 2:30-4pm
                  (G)   Yusheng Luo     yusheng@math
    Math 230a   Collins   tcollins@math   MWF 1-2pm
                  (G)  Robert Martinez
    Math 231a   Kronheimer   kronheim@math   MWF 2-3pm
                  (G)  Meng Guo         mengguo@math
    Math 232a   Engel   engel@math   MWF 12-1pm
                  (G)  Eduard Duryev    eduryev@math

    Lineup Spring 2016

    23B Lin Algebra and Real Analysis Paul Bamberg TTh 2:30   Nicolas Campos ncampos@college
    23B Lin Algebra and Real Analysis Paul Bamberg TTh 2:30   Kenneth Wang kwang02@college
    23B Lin Algebra and Real Analysis Paul Bamberg TTh 2:30   Sebastian Wagner-C. swagnercarena@college
    23B Lin Algebra and Real Analysis Paul Bamberg TTh 2:30   Elaine Reichert reichertelaine@gmail
    23B Lin Algebra and Real Analysis Paul Bamberg TTh 2:30   Jennifer Hu jenniferhu@college
    25B Honors Linear Algebra II Tasho Kaletha  MWF 10:00  Nihal Gowravaram nihalgowravaram@college
    25B Honors Linear Algebra II Tasho Kaletha  MWF 10:00  Handong Park handongpark@college
    25B Honors Linear Algebra II Tasho Kaletha  MWF 10:00  David Liang davidliang@college
    25B Honors Linear Algebra II Tasho Kaletha  MWF 10:00  Adam Ehrenberg aehrenberg@college
    25B Honors Linear Algebra II Tasho Kaletha  MWF 10:00  (G) Meng Guo mengguo@math
    55B Honors Real/ Complex Analysis Yum-Tong Siu  TTh 2:30   Calvin Deng calvindeng@college
    55B Honors Real/ Complex Analysis Yum-Tong Siu  TTh 2:30   Vikram Sundar  vikramsundar@college
    101 Sets Groups Topology Cliff Taubes TTh 11:30  Christian Carrick  christiancarrick@college
    101 Sets Groups Topology Cliff Taubes TTh 11:30  Jaimal Ichharam jichharam@college
    101 Sets Groups Topology Cliff Taubes TTh 11:30  (G)Gabe Long  glong115@math
    110 Vector Space Methods for Paul Bamberg TTh 11:30 AM
    112 Introductory Real Analysis  Tristan Collins TTh 1:00   Rohil Prasad prasad01@college
    112 Introductory Real Analysis  Tristan Collins TTh 1:00   Pro Jiradilok  pjiradilok@college
    113 Analysis I  Horng-Tzer Yau MWF 12:00  Akshat Agrawal aagrawal01@college
    113 Analysis I  Horng-Tzer Yau MWF 12:00  Wentong Zhang  wentongzhang@college
    118R Dynamical Systems  Fabian Haiden  TTh 10:00  no CA
    123 Algebra II  Arul Shankar TTh 11:30  Ashvin Swaminathan  aaswaminathan@college
    123 Algebra II  Arul Shankar TTh 11:30  Julian Salazar jsalazar01@college
    129 Number Fields  Barry Mazur TTh 10:00  Kevin Yang  kevinyang@college
    130 Classical Geometry  Eric Peterson  MWF 11:00  Kat Zhou kathleenzhou@college
    132 Topology II: Smooth Manifolds  Michael Hopkins MWF 1:00   Adam Al-natsheh aalnatsheh@college
    137 Algebraic Geometry  Joseph Harris  MWF 10:00  Hannah Larson  hannahlarson@college
    137 Algebraic Geometry  Joseph Harris  MWF 10:00  Aaron Landesman aaronlandesman@college
    144 Model Theory William Boney  MWF 11:00  no CA
    154 Probability Theory  Jacob Lurie MWF 1:00   Stefan Gramatovici  sgramatovici@college
    155R Combinatorics: Designs and Groups Noam Elkies  MWF 11:00  Sahana Vasudevan svasudevan@college
    157 Mathematics in the World Joseph Harris  TTh 2:30   Catherine Wu catherinewu@college
    157 Mathematics in the World Joseph Harris  TTh 2:30:00    Alan Bidart abidart@college
    213BR Advanced Complex Analysis  Shing-Tung Yau TTh 11:30 (G) Adrian Zahariuc zahariuc@math
    222   Lie Groups and Lie Algebras Alison Miller  MWF 10:00  Jake McNamara  jmcnamara@college
    231BR Advanced Algebraic Topology Peter Kronheimer MWF 2:00  GCA Adrian Zahariuc zahariuc@math
    232BR Algebraic Geometry II  Jonathan Esole MWF 12:00 GCA Zhuo Chen  zhuochen@math

    Lineup Fall 2015

    Michael Lim         hyunjaelim@college       23a  Bamberg   bamberg   TTh 2:30-4 
    Nicolas Campos      ncampos@college          23a  Bamberg   bamberg   TTh 2:30-4 
    Kenneth Wang        kwang02@college          23a  Bamberg   bamberg   TTh 2:30-4 
    Sebastian Wagner-C. swagnercarena@college    23a  Bamberg   bamberg   TTh 2:30-4 
    Ben Sorscher        bsorscher@college        23a  Bamberg   bamberg   TTh 2:30-4 
    Elaine Reichert     reichertelaine@gmail     23a  Bamberg   bamberg   TTh 2:30-4 
    Jennifer Hu         jenniferhu@college       23a  Bamberg   bamberg   TTh 2:30-4 
    Emily Tiberi        emilytiberi@college      23a  Bamberg   bamberg   TTh 2:30-4 
    Adam Ehrenberg      aehrenberg@college       25a  Kaletha   tkaletha  MWF 10
    Handong Park        handongpark@college      25a  Kaletha   tkaletha  MWF 10
    Nihal Gowravaram    nihalgowravaram@college  25a  Kaletha   tkaletha  MWF 10
    David Liang         davidliang@college       25a  Kaletha   tkaletha  MWF 10
    Yihang Zhu      (G) yihang                    25a  Kaletha   tkaletha  MWF 10
    Vikram Sundar       vikramsundar@college     55a  Siu       s.lau     TTh 2:30-4
    Calvin Deng         calvindeng@college       55a  Siu       s.lau     TTh 2:30-4
    Justin Cavitt       justincavitt@college     101  Esole     esole     MWF 12
    Ashvin Swaminathan  aaswaminathan@college    114  Gardiner  gardiner  TTh 10-11:30
    Grant Murray            116  Bamberg   bamberg   MWF 1
    Jaimal Ichharam     jichharam@college        121  Hopkins   mjh       MWF 2 
    Wayne Zhao          zhao01@college           122  Gross     gross     MWF 11
    Brabeeba Wang       mienwang@college         122  Gross     gross     MWF 11 
    Aaron Shotkin       ashotkin@college         122  Gross     gross     MWF 11
    Johann Gaebler      jgaebler@college         122  Gross     gross     MWF 11
    Kevin Yang          kevinyang@college        124  Mazur     mazur     TTh 10-11:30
    Greg Parker         gparker01@college        131  Taubes    chtaubes  MWF 12
    Wyatt Mackey        wmackey@college          131  Taubes    chtaubes  MWF 12
    Christian Carrick   christiancarrick@college 131  Taubes    chtaubes  MWF 12
    Jake McNamara       jacob.mcnamara18@gmail   136  Collins   tcollins  MWF 10
    Aaron Slipper       aaronslipper@college     152  Bamberg   bamberg   TTh 11:30
    Robert Martinez 212a Sternberg shlomo    TuTh 11:30-1
    Adrian Zahariuc (G) zahariuc                  213a Schmid    schmid    TTh 2:30-4 
    Adam Al-natsheh     aalnatsheh@college       221  Miller    abmiller  MWF 10
    Lynnelle Ye (G)     lynnelle                  223a Shankar   arul      MWF 12
    Tom Lovering (G)    lovering                  229x Elkies    elkies    MWF 11
    Philip Tynan (G)    ptynan                    230a Tanaka    hirolee   TTh 10-11:30
    Meng Guo (G)        mengguo                   231a Kronheim  kronheim  MWF 2
    Gabriel Long (G)    glong115                  232a Esole     esole     MWF 11
    Adrian Zahariuc (G) zahariuc                  282  Harris    harris    MWF 10 

    Spring Lineup 2015

    Aaron Landesman    aaronlandesman@college    55b  gaitsgde@math  Dennis Gaitsgory  TTh 2:30-4
    Ashvin Swaminathan aaswaminathan@college     55b  gaitsgde@math  Dennis Gaitsgory  TTh 2:30-4
    Sadik Shahidain    sshahidain@college        25b  gardiner@math   Daniel Cristofaro-Gardiner  MWF 10
    Jimmy Jiang        jiang01@college           25b  gardiner@math   Daniel Cristofaro-Gardiner  MWF 10
    Aaron Shotkin      ashotkin@college          25b  gardiner@math   Daniel Cristofaro-Gardiner  MWF 10
    Duligur Ibeling    ibeling@college           25b  bardiner@math   Daniel Cristofaro-Gardiner  MWF 10
    Aditi Ghai         aditighai@college         23b  bamberg@math   Paul Bamberg      TTh 2:30-4
    Tyler Morrison     tylermorrison@college     23b  bamberg@math   Paul Bamberg      TTh 2:30-4
    Kenneth Wang       kwang02@college           23b  bamberg@math   Paul Bamberg      TTh 2:30-4
    Kyle Matsuda       kmatsuda01@college        23b  bamberg@math   Paul Bamberg      TTh 2:30-4
    Hannah Catabia     hannahcatabia@gmail       23b  bamberg@math   Paul Bamberg      TTh 2:30-4
    Lisa Tarquinio     lisa.tarquinio19@gmail    23b  bamberg@math   Paul Bamberg      TTh 2:30-4
    Patrick Ryan       patrickryan01@college     101  esole@math      Mboyo Esole       MWF 1
    Takahashi Ryosuke  tryo@math                 101  esole@math      Mboyo Esole       MWF 1            
    Christopher Eur    ceur@college              110  bamberg@math    Paul Bamberg      MW 2-3:30 
    Hans  Gaebler      jgaebler@college          112  tcollins@math  Tristan Collins   TTh 1-2:30
    Jack McNamara      jmcnamara@college         112  tcollins@math  Tristan Collins   TTh 1-2:30
    Sitan Chen         sitanchen@college         113  ajacob@math    Adam Jacob        MWF 12
    Jaimal Ichharam    jichharam@college         113  ajacob@math    Adam Jacob        MWF 12 
    Nick Gavin         ngavin@college            117  sukhada@math   Sukhada Fadnavis  TuTh 2:30-4
    Kevin Yang         kevinyang@college         123  mazur@math     Barry Mazur       TuTh 10-11:30
    Chao Li            chaoli@math               123  mazur@math     Barry Mazur       TuTh 10-11:30 
    Hannah Larson      hannahlarson@college      129  kisin@math     Mark Kisin        MWF 1  
    Jasmine Yan        jasmineyan@college        130  chtaubes@math  Cliff Taubes      TTh 11:30-1
    Xiaoyu He          xiaoyuhe@college          130  chtaubes@math  Cliff Taubes      TTh 11:30-1              
    Adam Natesh        aalnatsheh@college        132  gardiner@math  Dan Cristofaro-Gardiner TTh1-230
    Evan Dorney        odorney@college           137  yaim@math      Yaim Cooper       MWF 11 
    Octav Dragoi       octavdragoi@college       155r sukhada@math   Sukhada Fadnavis  TuTh 1-2:30
    Ben Adlam          adlam@llege             154  htyau@math     HT Yau            MWF 1
    Mien Wang          mienwang@college          157  harris@math    Joe Harris(+Atanas Atanasov) TuTh 4-5:30  
    Jerry Anunrojwong   janunrojwong@college     157  harris@math    Joe Harris(+Aanas Atansasov) TuTh 4-5:30
    Francesco Cavazzani franc@math               157  harris@math    Joe Harris        TuTh 4-5:30
    Michael Fountaine  mfount@college            161  eriehl@math    Emily Riehl       TuTh 11:30-1
    Chenglong Yu       yucl@math                 213b  siu@math      Yum-Tong Siu      TTh 10-11:30
    Chao Li            chaoli@math               223b  rapinch@math  Igor Rapinchuk    MWF 12
    Takahashi Ryosuke  tryo@math                 230b  yau@math      Sing-Tung Yau     TuTh 11:30-1
    Phil Tynan         ptynan@math               231b  mjh@math      Michael Hopkins   MWF at 2
    XiaoLin Shi        dannyshi@math             231b  mjh@math      Michael Hopkins   MWF at 2     
    Phil Tynan         ptynan@math               232b  esole@math    Mboyo Esole       MWF at 11
    Francesco Cavazzani franc@math               266   harris@math   Joe Harris        TuTh 4-5:30
    Ananth Shankarr    ashankar@math             271   arul@math     Arul Shankar      TTh 1-2:30 

    Spring Courses 2015

    55b   Honors Real and Complex Analysis           Dennis Gaitsgory           TuTh 2:30-4
    25b   Honors Linear Algebra and Real Analysis II Daniel Cristofaro-Gardiner MWF 10
    23b   Linear Algebra and Real Analysis II Paul G Bamberg                    TuTh 2:30-4
    101   Sets, Groups and Topology Jonathan         Mboyo Esole                MWF 1 
    110   Vector Space Methods for Differential Equations Paul G Bamberg        MW 2-3:30
    112   Introductory Real Analysis Tristan Collins                            TuTh 1-2:30
    113   Analysis I: Complex Function Theory Adam Jacob                        MWF 12
    117   Probab. and Random Proc. with Economic Applications Sukhada Fadnavis  TuTh  2:30-4
    118r  Dynamical Systems Yaiza Canzani                                       TuTh 10-11:30
    123   Algebra II: Theory of Rings and Fields Barry Mazur                    TuTh 10-11:30
    129   Number Fields Mark Kisin                                              MWF at 1
    130   Classical Geometry Clifford Taubes                                    TuTh 11:30-1
    132   Topology II: Smooth Manifolds Daniel Cristofaro-Gardiner              TuTh 1-2:30
    137   Algebraic Geometry Yaim Cooper                                        MWF 11
    141   Introduction to Mathematical Logic Emily Elizabeth Riehl              MWF at 11
    145b  Set Theory II Peter Koellner                                          TuTh 11:30-1
    154   Probability Theory Horng-Tzer Yau                                     MWF 1
    155r  Combinatorics Sukhada Fadnavis                                        TuTh 1-2:30
    157   Mathematics in the World Joseph Harris                                TuTh 4-5:30    
    161   Category Theory in Context Emily Elizabeth Riehl                      TuTh 11:30-1
    212br Advanced Real Analysis Shlomo Sternberg                               TuTh 11:30-1
    213br Advanced Complex Analysis Yum-Tong Siu                                TuTh 10-11:30
    223b  Algebraic Number Theory Igor Rapinchuk                                MWF at 12
    230br Advanced Differential Geometry Shing-Tung Yau                         TuTh 11:30-1
    231br Advanced Algebraic Topology Michael Hopkins                           MWF at 2 
    232br Algebraic Geometry II Mboyo Esole                                     MWF 11
    243   Evolutionary Dynamics Martin Nowak                                    TuTh 2:30-4
    259   Diophantine Definability  Hector Pasten                               TuTh 11:30-1
    261   Symplectic Geom. Langrangian Intersection Theor. SYZ Siu-Cheong Lau   TuTh 2:30-4
    262   The Geometry of the Complex Monge-Ampere Equation Tristan Collins     MWF 12
    265   Reductive Groups Over Local and Global Fields] Tasho Kaletha          MWF at 11
    266   Intersection Theory in Algebraic Geometry Joseph Harris               MWF at 10
    271   Topics in Arithmetic Statistics - Arul Shankar                        TuTh 1-2:30
    275   Topics in Geometry and Dynamics - (New Course) Curtis T McMullen      TuTh 10-11:30

    Lineup Fall 2014

    Aaron Landesman   55a
    Ashvin Swaminathan    55a
    Sadik Shahidain              25a
    Jimmy Jiang          25a
    Gray Putnam     25a
    Aaron Shotkin         25a
    Giacomo Barbone  23a
    Tyler Morrison    23a
    Serena Wang       23a
    Aditi Ghai        23a
    Sindy Tan         23a
    Kenneth Wang          23a
    Jeffrey Ling            23a
    Xiaoyu He         114
    Sahana Vasudevan       114
    Ben Li          115
    Patrick Ryan    121
    Evan O'Dorney          121
    Hirsh Jain        124
    Alex Lombardi        124  
    Jenny Nitishinskay    131
    Sitan Chen        131
    Theo McKenzie     122
    Kevin Yang        122 
    Octave Dragoi      122  
    Adam Natesh       141  
    Christopher Eur             152
    200 Level courses
    Yihang Zhu       223a Algebraic Number Th    Igor Rapinchuk   MWF 12
    Adrian Zahariuc  232a Algebraic Geometry I   Mboyo Esole      MWF 11    
    Boyu Zhang       263y K-Theory               Daniel Freed     TTh 2:30-5 
    Meng Guo         231a Algebraic Topology     Michael Hopkins         
    Krishanu Sankar  231a Algebraic Topology     Michael Hopkins        
    Rong Zhu         233a Theory of Schemes I    Alison Miller    MWF 1 
    Adrian Zahariuc  221  Algebra                Hector Vasquez   MWF 10
    Robbie Martinez  212a Real Analysis          Shlomo Sternberg TuTh 11:30-1
    Robbie Martinez  230a  Differential Geometry Hiro Tanaka      MWF 10  Yau/Taubes 9+7 

    Course list 2014/2015

    23a  Linear Algebra and Real Analysis          Paul   Bamberg      Tu-Th 2:30-4
    25a  Honors Linear Algebra and Real Analysis   Tasho  Kaletha      MWF 10
    55a  Honors Abstract Algebra D                 Dennis Gaitsgory    TuTh 2:30-4  
    114  Analysis II: Measure,Integ. Banach Spaces Curtis McMullen     TuTh  10-11:30
    115  Methods of Analysis                       Siu Cheong Lau      TuTh  2:30-4
    121  Linear Algebra and Applications           Yaim Cooper         MWF   1
    122  Algebra I: Groups and Vector Spaces       Hiro Tanaka         MWF  12
    124  Number Theory                             Benedict Gross      MWF  10
    131  Topology I:                               Emily Riehl         TuTh 1-2:30
    136  Differential Geometry                     Tristan Collins     TuTh 10-11:30
    141  Introduction to Mathematical Logic        Emily Riehl         MWF  11
    145a Set Theory I                              Peter Koellner      TuTu 11:30-1
    152  Discrete Mathematics                      Paul Bamberg        TuTh 11:30-1
    156  Foundations of Statistical Software       Paul Bamberg        Mo   2-4:30 
    212a Real Analysis                             Shlomo Sternberg    TuTh 11:30-1
    213a Complex Analysis                          Yum Tong Siu        TuTh 10-11:30
    221  Algebra                                   Hector Pasten       MWF 3
    223a Algebraic Number Theory                   Igor Rapinchuk      MWF 12
    224  Representations of Reductive Lie Groups   Wilfried Schmid     TuTh 2:30-4
    229x Introduction to Analytic Number Theory    Arul Shankar        MWF 1
    230a Differential Geometry                     Hiro Tanaka         MWF 10
    231a Algebraic Topology                        Michael Hopkins     MWF 2
    232a Introduction to Algebraic Geometry        Mboyo Esole         MWF 11 
    233a Theory of Schemes                         Alison Miller       MWF at 1
    250  Algebraic Invariants of Knots             Alison Miller       TuTh 10-11:30
    258x Random Matrix theory                      Horng-Tzer Yau      TuTh 11:30-1
    259  Diophantine Definability                  Hector Pasten       TuTh 11:30-1
    262x Topics in Geometric Analysis              Shing-Tung Yau      TuTh 11:30-1
    263y Topics in Geometry and Physics: K-Theory  Daniel Freed        TuTh 2:30-4
    269  Topics in Kinetic Theory                  Laure Saint-Raymond TuTh 10-11:30 
    281  Algebraic K-theory and Manifold Topology  Jacob Lurie         MWF 12
    101  Sets, Groups and Topology                 Mboyo Esole         MWF  1
    110  Vector Space Methods for Diff Eqns        Paul Bamberg        MW   2-3:30
    112  Introductory Real Analysis                Tristan Collins     TuTh 1-2:30
    113  Analysis I: Complex Function              Adam Jacob          MWF 12
    117  Probab. and Random Proc. with Econ. Appl. Sukhada Fadnavis    TuTh 2:30-4
    123  Algebra II: Theory of Rings and Fields    Barry Mazur         TTh 10-11:30 (Notice time change!)
    129  Number Fields                             Mark Kisin          MWF 1
    130  Classical Geometry                        Clifford Taubes     TuTh 11:30-1
    132  Topology II: Smooth Manifolds             Daniel Cristofaro   TuTh 1-2:30  (notice time change!)
    137  Algebraic Geometry                        Yaim Cooper         MWF 11
    145b Set Theory II                             Peter Koellner      TuTh 11:30-1
    154  Probability Theory                        Horng-Tzer Yau      MWF 1
    155r Combinatorics                             Sukhada Fadnavis    TuTh 1-2:30
    161  Category Theory in Context                Emily Riehl         TuTh 11:30-1
    212b Advanced Real Analysis                    Shlomo Sternberg    TuTh 11:30-1
    213br Advanced Complex Analysis                Yum Tong Siu        TuTh 10-11:30
    222 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras                Tasho Kaletha       MWF 1
    223b Algebraic Number Theory                   Igor Rapinchuk      MWF 12
    230br Advanced Differential Geometry           Shing-Tung Yau      MWF 10 
    231br Advanced Algebraic Topology              Michael Hopkins     MWF 2
    232br Algebraic Geometry II                    Mboyo Esole         MWF 11
    243 Evolutionary Dynamics                      Martin Nowak        TuTh 2:30-4
    261 Langrang. Inters. Theory and SYZ           Siu Lau             TuTh 2:30-4
    262 Complex Monge-Ampere Equation              Tristan Collins     MWF  12
    265 Reductive Groups Over Local/Global Fields  Tasho Kaletha       MWF  11
    266 Intersection Theory in Alg. Geometry       Joseph Harris       MWF  10
    271 Topics Arithmetic Statistics               Arul Shankar        TuTh 1-2:30
    275 Topics in Geometry and Dynamics            Curtis McMullen     TuTh 10-11:30

    Spring Lineup 2014

    Levent Alpoge      alpoge@college            55b  gaitsgde@math   Dennis Gaitsgory  TTh 2:30-4
    Octave Dragoi      octavdragoi@college       55b  gaitsgde@math   Dennis Gaitsgory  TTh 2:30-4
    Nathaniel Mayer  nmayer@college              25b  elkies@math     Noam Elkies       MWF 11 
    Sadik Shahidain  sshahidain@college          25b  elkies@math     Noam Elkies       MWF 11
    Tudor Giurgica-Tiron  giurgicatiron@college  25b  elkies@math     Noam Elkies       MWF 11
    Heidi Hurst        hurst@college             23b  bamberg@math    Paul Bamberg      TTh 2:30-4
    Serena Wang        lutongwang@college        23b  bamberg@math    Paul Bamberg      TTh 2:30-4
    Tyler Morrison     tylermorrison@college     23b  bamberg@math    Paul Bamberg      TTh 2:30-4
    Jasmine Griffin    jgriffin@college          23b  bamberg@math    Paul Bamberg      TTh 2:30-4
    Isabelle Vogt      ivogt@college             23b  bamberg@math    Paul Bamberg      TTh 2:30-4
    Christopher Eur    ceur@college              110  bamberg@math    Paul Bamberg      TTh 11:30-1
    Patrick Ryan       patrickryan01@college     112  canzani@math    Yaiza Canzani     TTh 1-2:30
    Adam Natesh        aalnatsheh@college        112  canzani@math    Yaiza Canzani     TTh 1-2:30   
    Ben Li             jiachengli@college        113  chtaubes@math   Cliff Taubes      MWF 12
    Zach Young         zyoung@college            113  chtaubes@math   Cliff Taubes      MWF 12
    Xiaoyu He          xiaoyuhe@college          113  chtaubes@math   Cliff Taubes      MWF 12
    Rohit Ramani       rramani@college           117  sukhada@math    Sukhada Fadnavis  TTh 2:30-4  
    Allen Yuan         allenyuan@college         123  harris@math     Joe Harris        MWF 10
    Arpon Raksit       araksit@college           123  harris@math     Joe Harris        MWF 10
    Akhil Mathew       amathew@college           129  kisin@math       Mark Kisin        MWF 11
    John Sheridan      john.sheridan@college     132 acotton@math     Andy Cotton-Clay  TTh 10-11:30 
    Michael Proulx     michaelproulx@college     137  mtchan@math      Melody Chan       MWF 11
    Joshua Pfeffer     pfeffer@college           155  sukhada@math     Sukhada Fadnavis  TTh 11:30-1 
    Andrei Ciupan      andrei_ciupan@college     155  sukhada@math     Sukhada Fadnavis  TTh 11:30-1
    Bao LeHung         lehung@math               213b  ctm@math         Curtis McMullen   TTh 10-11:30
    Zhuo Chen          zhuochen@math             222   schmid@math      Wilfried Schmid   TTh 2:30-4
    Meng Guo           mengguo@math              231b  gquick@math      Gereon Quick      MWF 2:30
    Ben Landon         landon@math               253y  alexb@math       Alex Bloemendal   
    Bao LeHung         lehung@math               255x  arul@math        Arul Shankar      MWF  1
    Meng Guo           mengguo@math              212b  siu@math         Yum-Tong Siu      TTh 11:30-1 

    Fall Lineup 2013

    Levent Alpoge      alpoge@college                  55a  gaitsgde@math   Dennis Gaitsgory  
    Nathaniel Mayer  nmayer@college                    25a  gross@math    Benedict Gross   
    Sadik Shahidain  sshahidain@college                25a  gross@math    Benedict Gross   
    Ramya Rangan     ramyarangan@college               25a  gross@math    Benedict Gross  
    Tudor Giurgica-Tiron  giurgicatiron@college        25a  gross@math    Benedict Gross
    Jasmine Griffin    23a  bamberg@math    Paul Bamberg  
    Christopher Eur        23a  bamberg@math    Paul Bamberg  
    Melody Guan          23a  bamberg@math    Paul Bamberg  
    Sam Fishman       23a  bamberg@math    Paul Bamberg  
    Peter Hickman       23a  bamberg@math    Paul Bamberg  
    Arjun Mody      amody14@college                    23a  bamberg@math    Paul Bamberg 
    Giacomo Barbone  giacomo_barbone@college           23a  bamberg@math    Paul Bamberg  
    John Sheridan    101  ajacob@math   Adam Jacob    
    Stephen Mackeret  114  lurie@math    Jacob Lurie       
    Patrick Ryan       patrickryan01@college           114  lurie@math    Jacob Lurie
    Ben Li     115  lau@math      Siu Cheong Lau    
    Daniel Cooney      danielcooney@college            116  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg     
    Mariel Pettee      mpettee@college                 121  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg   
    Chris Kilgore       121  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg
    Theo McKenzie  122  acotton@math  Andrew Cotton-Clay 
    Antonia Oprescu      122  acotton@math  Andrew Cotton-Clay 
    Michael Proulx  122 actotton@math Andrew Cotton-Clay
    Alex Lombardi      alexlombardi01@college          124  shankar@math  Arul  Shankar     
    Aleksandar Makelov   131  ctm@math      Curtis McMullen  
    Arpon Raksit          131  ctm@math      Curtis McMullen 
    Constantin Bosinceanu 143  koellner@fas  Peter Koellner
    Akhil Mathew       144  nate@math     Nate Ackerman 
    Anirudha Balasubramanian        154  chtaubes@math   Cliff Taubes
    Luke O'Connor        154  chtaubes@math   Cliff Taubes
    Meng Guo         213  schmid@math   Wilfried Schmid
    Jeff Kuan           212  siu@math      Yum-Tong Siu
    Zhuo Chen        221  jsuh@math     Junecue Suh
    Yunqing Tang          229  shankar@math  Arul Shankar 
    Sam Raskin         230  shlomo@math   Shlomo Sternberg
    Phil Tynan          231  hirolee@math  Hiro Tanaka 
    Phil Tynan          232  esole@math    Mboyo Esole

    Fall 2013

    Math 23a  Linear Algebra and Real Analysis I                      Bamberg      TTH 2:30-4
    Math 25a  Honors Linear Algebra and Real Analysis I               Gross        MWF 10
    Math 55a  Honors Abstract Algebra                                 Gaitsgory    TTH 2:30-4
    Math 101  Sets, Groups and Topology                               Jacob        MWF 11
    Math 114  Analysis II: Measure, Integration & Banach Spaces       Lurie        MWF 12
    Math 115  Methods of Analysis                                     Lau          TTH 2:30-4
    Math 116  Convexity and Optimization w/ Applications              Bamberg      TTH 11:30-1
    Math 117  Probability and Random Processes                        Fadnavis     TTH 2:30-4
    Math 121  Linear Algebra and Applications                         Bamberg      MWF 1
    Math 122  Algebra I: Theory of Groups and Vector Spaces           Cotton-Clay  MWF 11
    Math 124  Number Theory                                           Shankar      TTH 10
    Math 130  Classical Geometry                                      Cotton-Clay  TTH 11:30
    Math 131  Topology I: Topol Spaces and the Fundamental Group      McMullen     TTH 10-11:30
    Math 136  Differential Geometry                                   Sternberg    TTH 10-11:30 
    Math 141  Introduction to Mathematical Logic                      TBD          MWF 11
    Math 143  Set Theory                                              Koellner     MWF 1
    Math 144  Model Theory                                            Ackerman     MWF 11
    Math 153  Mathematical Biology-Evolutionary Dynamics              Nowak        TTH 2:30-4
    Math 154  Probability Theory                                      Taubes       MWF 12 
    Math 212a  Real Analysis                                          Siu          TTH 11:30
    Math 213a  Complex Analysis                                       TBD          TTh 10-11:30
    Math 221   Commutative Algebra                                    Suh          MWF 10
    Math 229   Introduction to Analytic Number Theory                 Shankar      MWF 1
    Math 230a  Differential Geometry                                  Lau          MWF 1
    Math 231a  Algebraic Topology                                     TBD          MWF 2
    Math 232a  Introduction to Algebraic Geometry I                   Esole        MWF 12    
    Math 233a  Theory of Schemes I                                    TBD          MWF 11    

    Spring 2013

    Isabelle Vogt      ivogt@college             23b  kochs@math   Sarah Koch
    Arjun Mody         amody14@college           23b  kochs@math   Sarah Koch
    Jasmine Griffin    jgriffin@college          23b  kochs@math   Sarah Koch
    Deborah Alves      dalves@college            23b  kochs@math   Sarah Koch
    Antonia Oprescu    aoprescu@college          23b  kochs@math   Sarah Koch
    Leah Weiss         lrweiss@college           23b  kochs@math   Sarah Koch
    William Rafey      rafey@college             23b  kochs@math   Sarah Koch
    Andrew Garbarino   andrew.garbarino@college  23b  kochs@math   Sarah Koch
    Madalina Persu     epersu@college            55b  schmid@math  Wilfried Schmid
    Marina Lehner      mlehner@college           25b  gross@math   Benedict Gross
    Daniel Ranard      dranard@college           25b  gross@math   Benedict Gross
    Benjamin Kuhn      bkuhn@college             25b  gross@math   Benedict Gross
    Irineo Cabreros    cabreros@college          25b  gross@math   Benedict Gross
    John Sheridan      john.sheridan@college     103  wdunham@math William Dunham  
    Ben Adlam 103  wdunham@math William Dunham 
    Mariel Pettee      mpettee@college           110  bamberg@math Paul Bamberg  
    Rohit Mamrani      rramani@college           112  mjh@math     Michael Hopkins   
    Stephen Mackereth  smackereth@college        112  mjh@math     Michael Hopkins 
    Felix Wong         fwong@college             113  acotton@math Andy Cotton-Clay  
    Anirudha Balasub.  balasubramanian@college   113 acotton@math  Andy Cotton-Clay 
    Kate Penner        penner@math               117 bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg    
    Gurbir Dhillon     uncookedfalcon@gmail      123 gaitsgde@math Dennis Gaitsgory  
    Levent Alpoge      alpoge@college            129 kisin@math    Mark Kisin       
    Michael Jemison    jemison@college           132 acotton@math  Andy Cotton-Clay 
    Patrick Ryan       patrickryan01@college     136 ajacob@math   Adam Jacob      
    Tony Feng          tfeng@college             137 ytzeng@math   Yu-Jong Tzen    
    Adrian Zaharuiuc   zahariuc@math             152 hall@math     John Hall       
    Irving Dai         ifdai@college             168 repstein@math Rachel Epstein 
    Peter Smillie      smillie                   213b ctm@math      Curt McMullen
    Chao Li            chaoli@math              223b rabinoff@math Joe Rabinoff  
    Franc. Cavazzani   franc@math                224 harris@math   Joe Harris   
    Jeff Kuan          jkuan@math                229 bourgade@math Paul Bourgade
    Akhil Mathew       amathew@college          231b kwickelg@math Kirsten Wickelgreen 
    Phil Tynan         ptynan@math              232b cmautner@math  Carl Mautner    
    Nathan Pflueger    pflueger                  285y mtchan@math   Melody Chan

    Fall Lineup 2012

    Isabelle Vogt      23a  kochs@math    Sarah Koch
    Arjun Mody    23a  kochs@math    Sarah Koch
    Jasmine Griffin   23a  kochs@math    Sarah Koch
    Deborah Alves     23a  kochs@math    Sarah Koch
    Antonia Oprescu   23a  kochs@math    Sarah Koch
    Neil Gat               23a  kochs@math    Sarah Koch
    William Rafey      23a  kochs@math    Sarah Koch
    Andrew Garbarino   andrew.garbarino@college       23a  kochs@math    Sarah Koch
    Madalina Persu     55a  schmid@math   Wilfried Schmid 
    Marina Lehner    25a  gross@math    Benedict Gross
    Daniel Ranard    25a  gross@math    Benedict Gross
    Benjamin Kuhn      25a  gross@math    Benedict Gross
    Irineo Cabreros   25a  gross@math    Benedict Gross
    Rohit Ramani    101  repstein@math Rachel Epstein
    Ben Adlam      101  repstein@math Rachel Epstein 
    Michael Jemison    114  siu@math      Yum-Tong Siu
    Daniel Cooney      danielcooney@college           116  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg
    Tony Feng      118  vaibhav@math  Vaibhav Gadre
    Mariel Pettee    121  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg
    Levent Alpoge     122  gaitsgde@math Dennis Gaitsgory
    Martin Camacho    122  gaitsgde@math Dennis Gaitsgory
    Eric Larson    124  mazur@math    Barry Mazur
    Const. Bosinceanu  cbosinceanu@college            130  chtaubes@math Cliff Taubes
    Evan O'Dorney    131  eriehl@math   Emily Riehl
    Thanos Papaioannou           131  eriehl@math   Emily Riehl
    Akhil Mathew    155  sukhada@math  Sukhada Fadnavis 
    Phil Tynan        213  sukhada@math  Sukhada Fadnavis 
    Carl Erickson      221  jsuh@math     Junecue Suh 
    Chao Li          223  rabinoff@math Joe Rabinoff 
    Thanos Papaioannou           231  kronheim@math Peter Kronheimer 
    Bao Hung         233  mtchan@math   Melody Chan 
    Bao Hung         232  haoxu@math    Hao Xu
    Anand Patel        266  harris@math   Joe Harris 
    Jeffrey Kuan         264  bourgade@math Paul Bourgade 
    Oleg Ivrii         212  shlomo@math   Shlomo Sternberg
    Jie Zhou        230  s.lau@math    Siu-Cheong Lau

    Fall 2012

    Math 23a  Linear Algebra and Real Analysis I                      Koch         MWF 11
    Math 25a  Honors Linear Algebra and Real Analysis I               Gross        MWF 10
    Math 55a  Honors Abstract Algebra                                 Schmid       TTH 11:30
    Math 101  Sets, Groups and Topology                               Epstein      MWF 1
    Math 114  Analysis II: Measure, Integration & Banach Spaces       Siu          MWF 11
    Math 115  Methods of Analysis                                     Lau          TTH 1-2:30
    Math 116  Convexity and Optimization w/ Applications              Bamberg      MW 1-2:30
    Math 118r  Dynamical Systems                                      Gadre        MWF 1
    Math 121  Linear Algebra and Applications                         Bamberg      TTH 2:30
    Math 122  Algebra I: Theory of Groups and Vector Spaces           Gaitsgory    TTH 2:30
    Math 124  Number Theory                                           Mazur        TTH 10
    Math 130  Classical Geometry                                      Taubes       TTH 11:30
    Math 131  Topology I: Topol Spaces and the Fundamental Group      Riehl        MWF 12
    Math 141  Introduction to Mathematical Logic                      Epstein      MWF 11
    Math 153  Mathematical Biology-Evolutionary Dynamics              Nowak        TTH 2:30-4
    Math 155r  Combinatorics                                          Fadnavis     MWF 10
    Math 212a  Real Analysis                                          Sternberg    TTH 11:30
    Math 213a  Complex Analysis                                       TBD          MWF 11
    Math 221   Commutative Algebra                                    Suh          TTH 10
    Math 223a  Algebraic Number Theory                                Rabinoff     MWF 12
    Math 230a  Differential Geometry                                  Lau          MWF 1
    Math 231a  Algebraic Topology                                     Kronheimer   MWF 2
    Math 232a  Introduction to Algebraic Geometry I                   Xu           TTH 2:30-4
    Math 233a  Theory of Schemes I                                    TBD          TTH 10
    Math 252y  Einstein Metrics                                       S-T Yau      New: MWF 1 SC 109
    Math 256y  Spectra and Stable Homotopy Theory                     Hopkins      MWF 2
    Math 263x  Comput. al Techniques in Number Th. and Alg. Geometry  Elkies       MW 1
    Math 264x  Random Matrix and Analytic Number Theory               Bourgade     TTH 11:30
    Math 266y  Geometry of Families of Curves                         Harris       MWF 10
    Math 272y  Dynamics and Moduli Spaces                             McMullen     TTH 10
    Math 283y  Topics in Partial Differential Equations               H-T Yau      MWF 11
    Math 288y  Aspects of Elliptic Fibrations in F-Theory             Esole        TTH 2:30-4
    Math 292y  The Kahler Ricci Flow                                               MWF 2

    Spring Lineup 2012

    Isabel Vogt         23b  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg
    Leah Weiss       23b  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg
    Irene Chen        23b  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg
    Arjun Mody       23b  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg
    Daniel Cooney  23b  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg
    Felix Wong         25b  kochs@math    Sarah Koch
    Martin Camacho       25b  kochs@math    Sarah Koch
    Michael Jemison       25b  kochs@math    Sarah Koch
    Levent Alpoge        55b  siu@math      Yum-Tong Siu
    Jason Wien        110  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg
    Adam Arthurs           117  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg
    Akhil Mathew       amathew@college                   112  lurie@math    Jacob Lurie
    Christian Bjartli    113  htyau@math    Horng-Tzer Yau
    Atanas Atanasov            123  harris@math   Joe Harris
    Geoffrey Lee          123  harris@math   Joe Harris
    Tony Feng         137  gaitsgde@math Dennis Gaitsgory
    Eric Larson       129  kisin@math    Mark Kisin
    Lucia Mocz         130  mjh@math      Michael Hopkins
    Paul VanKoughnett          132  chtaubes@math   Cliff Taubes
    Dmitry Gekhtman               132  chtaubes@math   Cliff Taubes
    Andrei Ciupan      andrei_ciupan@college             143  sacks@math    Gerald Sacks
    Constantin Bosinceanu cbosinceanu@college edu        154  bourgade@math Paul Bourgade
    Yi Li                 222  schmid@math   Wilfried Schmid
    Carl Erickson         229  mazur@math    Barry Mazur
    Yi Li                 230b shlomo@math   Shlomo Sternberg
    Ali Daemi           231b kronheim@math Peter Kronheimer
    Jeffrey Kuan            271y htyau@math    Horng-Tzer Yau 

    Course list Spring 2012

    For Type I (gateway courses) like Math23,25,55,101,112,122,123,131,132 we hire enough CA's to keep sections sizes small. For Type II (mainstream courses), we determine the number of CA's depending on the first week of term based on the enrollment data supplied by the registrar.
    Math 23b  Linear Algebra and Real Analysis II               Paul Bamberg       TuTh  2:30-4    4GW
    Math 25b  Honors Linear Algebra and Real Analysis II        Sarah Koch         TuTh  10-11:30  3GW
    Math 55b  Honors Abstract Algebra II                        Yum Tong Siu       MWF   10        1GW
    Math 110  Vector Space Methods for Differential Equations   Paul Bamberg       TuTh  11:30-1   1
    Math 112  Introductory Real Analysis                        Jacob Lurie        TuTh  10-11:30  2
    Math 113  Analysis I: Complex Function Theory               Horng-Tzer Yau     TuTh  11:30-1   2
    Math 117  Probability/Random Processes with Econ. Applic.   Paul Bamberg       MW    1-2:30    1
    Math 123  Algebra II: Theory of Rings and Fields            Joe Harris         MWF   2:30      1
    Math 129  Number Fields                                     Mark Kisin         MWF   1         1
    Math 130  Classical Geometry                                Michael Hopkins    MWF   1:30      1
    Math 132  Topology II: Smooth Manifolds                     Clifford Taubes    MWF   12        1
    Math 137  Algebraic Geometry                                Dennis Gaitsgory   MWF   11        1
    Math 143  Set Theory                                        Gerald Sacks       MWF   12        1
    Math 154  Probability Theory                                Paul Bourgade      TuTh  1-2:30    1
    Math 212br Advanced Real Analysis                           Antti Knowles      TuTh  10-11:30  1
    Math 213a  Advanced Complex Analysis                        Yum Tong Siu       TuTh  2:30-4    1
    Math 222   Lie Groups and Lie Algebras                      Wilfried Schmid    TuTh  10-11:30  1
    Math 223a  Algebraic Number Theory                          TBD                MWF   12 
    Math 229x  Introduction to Analytic Number Theory           Barry Mazur        TuTh  11:30-14  1
    Math 230br Advanced Differential Geometry                   Shlomo Sternberg   TuTh  11:30-1   1
    Math 231br Advanced Algebraic Topology                      Peter Kronheimer   MWF   2         1
    Math 232br Introduction to Algebraic Geometry II            Xinwen Zhu         MWF   10
    Math 233br Theory of Schemes II                             Junecue Suh        MWF   11 
    Math 251x  Vanishing of Torsion in Cohom. of Arith. Groups  Keerthi Sampath    MWF   12
    Math 259x  Analytic Theory of Modular Forms                 Noam  Elkies       TuTh  11:30-1
    Math 266x  Categorical Homotopy Theory                      Emily Riehl        TuTh  10-11:30
    Math 271y  Probability Theory and Stochastic Process        Horng-Tzer Yau     MWF   11 
    Math 273y  Contact Geometry in 3 Dimensions                 Steven Sivek       WF    1:30-3
    Math 288x  The Kahler-Einstein Metrics                      Hao Xu             MWF   10
    Math 298   Random Matrices                                  Alex Bloemendal    TuTh  10-11:30

    Fall Lineup 2011

    Andrew Garbarino 23a  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg       
    Arjun Mody           23a  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg       
    Isabel Vogt            23a  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg       
    Leah Weiss           23a  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg       
    Daniel Cooney     23a  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg       
    Jason Wien            23a  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg        
    Irene Chen            23a  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg 
    Luke Burkhart         23a  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg
    Felix Wong             25a  kochs@math    Sarah Koch           
    Martin Camacho          25a  kochs@math    Sarah Koch         
    Michael Jemison          25a  kochs@math    Sarah Koch         
    Levent Alpoge           55   siu@math      Yum-Tong Siu       
    Gurbir Dhillon             101  repstein@math Rachel Epstein     
    Akhil Mathew          114  kronheim@math Peter Kronheimer   
    Adam Arthurs              116  bamberg@math  Paul Bamberg       
    Tony Feng              118r bourgade@math Paul Bourgade      
    Katrina Evtimova        121  vaibhav@math  Vaibhav Gadre      
    Benjamin Hirsch          122  nir@math      Nir Avni           
    Amy Tai                 122  nir@math      Nir Avni           
    John Sheridan    122  nir@math      Nir Avni           
    Eric Larsen          124  mazur@math    Barry Mazur         
    Roxana Feier               131  kwickelg@math Kirsten Wickelgren  
    Paul VanKoughnett                  131  kwickelg@math Kirsten Wickelgren   
    William Cember              141  sacks@math    Gerald Sacks       
    Matthew Woolf              152  jbelding@math Juliana Belding    
    GyeHyun Baek            155  lurie@math    Jacob Lurie        
    Ryosuke Takahashi                212a shlomo@math   Shlomo Sternberg   
    Ryosuke Takahashi                230a haoxu@math    Hao Xu             
    Thomas Koberda             231a mjh@math      Michael Hopkins    
    Bao Lehung               232a xinwenz@math  Xinwen Zhu         
    Bao Lehung               213a harris@math   Joe Harris         
    Ali Daemi                233a jsuh@math     Junecue Suh        
    Anand Deopurkar             287y harris@math   Joe Harris         
    Oleg Ivrii                270  knowles@math  Antti Knowles      
    Oleg Ivrii                268  lippner@math  Gabor Lippner       

    Course list Fall 2011

    June 1 update: here is the Registrar Course list 2011/2012. The Masterhead is not yet displayed.
    Math 23a  Linear Algebra and Real Analysis I                  Bamberg    TTH 2:30-4
    Math 25a  Honors Linear Algebra and Real Analysis I           Koch       TTh 10-11:30
    Math 55a  Honors Abstract Algebra                             Siu        MWF 10          
    Math 101  Sets, Groups and Topology                           Epstein    MWF 1             
    Math 114  Analysis II: Measure, Integration & Banach Spaces   Kronheimer MWF 11         
    Math 115  Methods of Analysis                                 H-T Yau    TTH 1-2:30      
    Math 116  Convexity and Optimization w/ Applications          Bamberg    MW 1-2:30        
    Math 118r Dynamical Systems                                   Bourgade   MWF 10           
    Math 121  Linear Algebra and Applications                     Gadre      TTh 11:30-1        
    Math 122  Algebra I: Theory of Groups and Vector Spaces       Avni       TTH 11:30        
    Math 124  Number Theory                                       Mazur      TTH 10           
    Math 131  Topology I: Topol. Spaces and Fundamental Group     Wickelgren MWF 12          
    Math 136  Differential Geometry                               Zhu        TTH 10            
    Math 141  Introduction to Mathematical Logic                  Sacks      MWF 11             
    Math 152  Discrete Mathematics                                Belding    MWF 2          
    Math 153  Mathematical Biology-Evolutionary Dynamics          Nowak      TTH 2:30-4         
    Math 155r Combinatorics                                       Lurie      MWF 10 (CHANGE!)
    Math 167  Introduction to Symplectic Geometry                 Sternberg  TTH 10        
    Math 212a Real Analysis                                       Sternberg  TTH 11:30   
    Math 213a Complex Analysis                                    Harris     MWF 10              
    Math 221  Commutative Algebra                                 Taylor     TTH 10           
    Math 230a Differential Geometry                               Xu         MWF 1              
    Math 231a Algebraic Topology                                  Hopkins    MWF 2            
    Math 232a Introduction to Algebraic Geometry I                Zhu        TTH 2:30-4 (CHANGE)         
    Math 233a Theory of Schemes I                                            MWF 11              
    Math 254y Geometry with Valuations                            Avni       TTH 1                 
    Math 261y von Neumann Algebras                                Lurie      MWF 11           
    Math 262y Perverse Sheaves in Representation Theory                      MWF 12                           
    Math 265y Topics in the Moduli Theory of Sheaves                         MWF 2                       
    Math 268x Graph Limits                                                   TTH 11:30                     
    Math 270  Advanced Probability Theory                         Knowles    TTh 10
    Math 283y Algebraic Curves                                    Harris     MWF 3 
    Math 285x Representation of Reductive Groups                  Kazhdan    MWF 10
    Math 289x Equivariant Stable Homotopy Theory                  Hopkins    MWF 1
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