Harvard University,FAS
Fall 2005

Mathematics Math21a
Fall 2005

Multivariable Calculus

Course Head: Oliver Knill
Office: SciCtr 434
Email: knill@math.harvard.edu
Harvard Mathematics

Weekly checklists: "Somewhere, over the rainbow ..."
Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Week6 Week7 Week8 Week9 Week10 Week9 Week10


Time         Flavor Section           Office Email         Class    CA                CA  Email
MWF 9-10     Reg    Ivan Petrakiev    242d   petrak@math   SC 222   Julian Han        han@fas
MWF 10-11    Reg    Oliver Knill      434    knill@math    SC 507   Brendan Moore     dbmoore@fas
MWF 10-11    Bio    Thomas Lam        426g   tfylam@math   SC 221   Elena Udovina     eudovina@fas
MWF 10-11    Bio    Michael Schein    531    mschein@math  SC 441   Tony Zhang        zhang4@fas
MWF 10-11    Phy    Teru Yoshida      425e   yoshida@math  SC 109   Catherine Visnjic visnjic@fas
MWF 11-12    Reg    Anderew Dittmer   242f   adittmer@math SC 507   Lewis Liu         lewisliu@fas
MWF 11-12    Bio    Chen-Yu Chi       333d   cychi@math    SC 222   Jonathan Tannen   tannen@fas
MWF 12-1     Reg    Kathy Paur        321b   paur@math     SC B-10  Seth Flaxman      flaxman@fas
TTh 10-11:30 Reg    Valentino Tosatti 421a   tosatti@math  SC B-10  Momin Malik       mmmalik@fas
TTh 11:30-13 Reg    Kai-Wen Lan       421d   lan@math      SC 216   Charlotte Eccles  eccles@fas
TTh 11:30-13 Reg    Jeng-Daw Yu       421g   jdyu@math     SC B-10  Ben Conlee        conlee@fas

Problem session times

Charlotte Eccles eccles@fas 6:30-8 PM MonGrays 5
Momin Malik mmmalik@fas 5:30-7 PM MonSC 507
Brendan Moore dbmoore@fas 7:30-9 PMTueSC 103B
Ben Conlee conlee@fas> 4-5:30 PM TueSC 103B
Lewis Liu lewisliu@fas5:30-7 PM TueSC 103B
Elena Udovina eudovina@fas8:30-10 PMTueSC 310
Tony Zhang zhang4@fas 8:30-10 PMWedSC 309A
Julian Han han@fas 9-10:30 PMWedSC 507
Catherine Visnjicvisnjic@fas 2-3:30 PM WedSC 310
Seth Flaxman flaxman@fas 8-9:30 PM WedSC 103B
Jonathan Tannen tannen@fas 4-5:30 PM ThuGrays 3

Head CA

Kory Byrns Head CA byrns@fas.harvard.edu

Office hours

Chen-Yu Chi cychi@math SC 333dTue 4-5 PM, Thu 4-5 PM
Andrew Dittmer adittmer@mathSC 242fTue Th 8-9 PM
Oliver Knill knill@math SC 434 Mon/Wed 2:30-4 PM
Thomas Lam tfylam@math SC 426gTue 1-2 PM , Fri 3-4 PM
Kai-Wen Lan lan@math SC 421dTue 3:30-4:30 PM, Fri 2-3 PM
Kathy Paur paur@math MQC Thu 8-10 PM
Ivan Petrakiev petrak@math SC 242dWed 2:30-4:00 PM
Teru Yoshida yoshida@math SC 425eFri 4-5 PM
Velentino Tosattitosatti@math SC 421aMon,Wed,Thu 9-10 PM
Michael Schein mschein@math SC 531 Tue 9:30-10:30, Thu 11-12
Jeng-Dau Yu jdyu@math SC 421gTue 2:30-4:30 PM

Please send comments to math21a@fas.harvard.edu Background music: Pictures at an Exhibition" by the Russian composer Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky.
Math21a, Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2005, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Art and Sciences, Harvard University

Sat Jan 21 22:11:28 EST 2006