Harvard University,FAS
Fall 2005

Mathematics Math21a
Fall 2005

Multivariable Calculus

Course Head: Oliver Knill
Office: SciCtr 434
Email: knill@math.harvard.edu
Harvard Mathematics

Weekly checklists: "Somewhere, over the rainbow ..."
Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Week6 Week7 Week8 Week9 Week10 Week9 Week10


The final exam took place Saturday, January 14'th 2006 at 14:15 PM. Students with names A-K were in SciCenter C SciCenter C. Students with names L-Z were in SciCenter B

The class average of the final was 73.6, as in the second midterm as well as the standard deviation 10.0.

Final Exam Schedule [PDF] on the registrar page. The final was organized and proctored by the registrar.
Official policy at Havard is that "out of sequence exams" are only offered for students observing religious holidays. We sometimes can accomodate students who happen to have an important sports event at the same time (it must be an actual game or tournament) or a concert or theater event (regular practice or rehearsals of course do not qualify to miss the exam). In case of a qualifying conflict, contact the course head to see whether it is possible to arrange the exam earlier at the same day. We will need a letter from your coach or director. The request has to come at least a week before the exam.
Evenso Harvard students are famous for being completely immune to the otherwise abundant motivator "Indigo prosperitas, ergo studio" (= "I want a good grade, therefore I learn"), and instead follow a more noble "Indigo adagnitio, ergo studio" (="I want to know, therefore, I learn"), we regularly get questions about grading issues. Check the FAQ's, and the syllabus page, and if you still burn to get the exact parameters of the "curve", contact the course head. He might not tell you, because the "curve" depends on the final distribution, or he might tell you in latin ... Here is an overview, what other departments do:

Psychology: Students drop ink on their exam books and close them. The professor assigns the first grade that comes to mind when opening the book.
History: Students get the same grade they got last year.
Political science: Students get the grade according to how much money their dad gave to the school.
Divinity School: Grades are determined by God.
Law School: Students are asked to defend their position of why they should receive an A.
Mathematics: Determined by the infamous "curve" of course.
Economics: The actual exams scores are divided by the time, the student needs to prepair for the exam.
Statistics: All grades are determined using robust statistics. The grade is the maximum likelyhood coefficient of the hypothesis to get an A.
Physics: Every exam, homework etc is an experiment. The instructor creates a theory which explains the experiment.
Chemistry: After each exam, the pH value of the students tongues are measured, acid tongues get an A, neutral tongue a B, alkaline bitter tongues lead to a C.
Biology: grades are determined by the genes. A DNA analysis is performed instead of an exam.
Logic: If the student takes the final and does a decent exam, the grade is an A, otherwise, the grade is not an A.
Philosophy: No grades are assigned, because the ethical question, why grades should be assigned at all, has not been answered.
Computer Science: The latest pseudo random number generator is used to determine the grade.
Music: Students figure out the grade by listening to the instructor playing the corresponding note A,B,C or D. Sharp is + and flat is -.
Physical Education: Everybody get an A.
The second hourly:

The second hourly took place Tuesday 15. November, 2005, Hall B, 7-8:30 PM. It covered the material of the first 7 weeks with focus on the material of week 4,5,6 and 7.

The class average was 76.1, the median 80, the standard deviation 10.3.

The first hourly:

The first hourly took place Tuesday, the 18. October, 2005, Hall B, 7-8:30 PM.

The class average was 82, the median 83, the standard deviation 10.

Please send comments to math21a@fas.harvard.edu Background music: Pictures at an Exhibition" by the Russian composer Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky.
Math21a, Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2005, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Art and Sciences, Harvard University

Sat Jan 21 22:11:28 EST 2006