A first course in dynamics
by Boris Hasselblatt and Anatole Katok.
This is the book, we use as a reading lecture in
this semester.
An introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems,
by Robert L. Devaney.
A book which had been used in the past for this course.
Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics
by Robert L. Devaney. An other book by
Devaney. More towards computer experiments.
by Serge Tabatchnikov. A nice reference
booklet for billiards.
Introduction to the Modern
Theory of Dynamical Systems
by Anatole Katok and Boris Hasselblatt.
A 800 thick book by the same authors then our
textbook. It is a good reference and contains much more
material. The Birkhoff library in the Mathematics department
has a handcopy of this book on the shelf.
Encounters with Chaos
by Denny Gulick. This 13 year old classic makes
a good reading. Its focus is more narrow but it goes
Chaotic Evolution and Strange Attractors
by David Ruelle.
A short but fantastic little book with some
interesting gossip.
Celestial Encounters
by Florin Diacu and Philip Holmes.
Also this book is very entertaining, lots of stories
about the people behind some discoveries.