Fall 2005 |
Math 1a Syllabus |
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A graphing calculator will be a tremendous asset in this course. We
encourage you to bring your calculator to class with you everyday.
If you are purchasing a calculator, we recommend a Texas Instruments
TI-84, TI-86 or TI-89 calculator.
With the advent of graphing calculators and mathematical software
programs, it is now possible to do an amazing number of things almost
instantaneously that would otherwise take hours or days to do by
hand. Calculators can help you with your math skills and instincts by
reducing the time you spend doing burdensome computations.
However, you
should not rely on computers and calculators to such an extent that
they keep you from developing your own skills. Technology should be
used as an aid, but without a good understanding of the underlying
mathematical concepts, the calculator will quite happily mislead you
without your even knowing it. In general, technology is a good thing,
but as with everything, sometimes too much of a good thing can lead to
problems. For this reason, we generally do not allow calculators to be used on exams.
Semester numerical scores will be converted into letter grades
according to the following method.
There is no question that the best way to learn math is by doing math,
and homework exercises are an essential part of any math course. If
you just go to a math class and watch the teacher work problems, but
do not actually try doing any problems on your own, then there is very
little chance you will really learn the subject. It is also very
unlikely that you will do well on exams without working through
homework problems ahead of time. While doing homework, do not just
write down answers. Think about the problems posed, your strategies,
the meaning of your computations, and the answers you get. The main
point is not to come up with specific answers to the specific problems
you are working on, but to develop an understanding of what you are
doing so that you can apply your reasoning to a wide range of similar
situations. It is very unlikely that later on in life you will see
exactly the same math problems you are working on now, so learn the
material in such a way that you are prepared to use your general
knowledge of mathematics in the future, not just how to apply
particular formulas for very specific problems.
You are encouraged to form study groups with other students in the
class so that you can discuss your work with each other; however, all
work submitted must be written up individually. Make sure that even
if you do work in groups, that you come away with the ability to
explain everything you end up writing up in your homework.
There will generally be two or three problem sets due each week.
Assignments will be graded by your course assistant and will typically
be returned to you at the following class meeting. We will then post
solutions to the homework on the course website. Check the solutions
so that you can learn from your work. In order for us to post
solutions as soon as possible, and in light of the fact that getting
behind in a math class is one of the most uncomfortable things you can
do to yourself, homework must be turned in on time. Since we will
drop your 3 lowest homework grades, please do not try to harass your
course assistant into accepting a late homework assignment.
There will be times when problems for homework will look different
from what is discussed in class. For most classes we will ask you to
read through a section ahead of time so that when you then see it
covered in class, you will be able to follow along much more easily
(as opposed to seeing the material for the very first time in class). As an
incentive to do this pre-reading, we will ask you to do one or two
very straightforward questions from that section for homework, even
though the material has not been covered yet in class. These pre-reading problems will be marked with a "*" and will be graded differently than other homework problems. You will will usually receive full credit for a pre-reading problem if you have made a good effort and some progress toward the solution.
You will also be asked to fill out a very short on-line pre-class survey before each class. The survey will ask you what you found interesting or troublesome about the material that you were asked to read before class. The pre-class surveys are designed to help your TF address your concerns or interests during the next day's class. To fill out a pre-class survey, simply go to the Q & A Tool and click on the appropriate survey. You will have until midnight of the day before your class to fill out your survey. Pre-class surveys will count as 5% of your total homework grade.
Math 1a is taught in small classes rather than in a large lecture so that you will have a better
opportunity to ask questions and interact with your teacher. Make
sure you take advantage of this arrangement. Any questions you
ask in class will likely be ones that other students will want
answered as well, so get over any hesitation you might have and ask
questions as the material is presented. You will not be penalized for
doing this, no matter how trivial or simple you think your questions
might seem. Remember, the class is being held for you to learn the
material, not just to give you a time to copy notes off of a
blackboard, so be sure to get help when you need it and stay
involved in your class.
You will also be attending problem sessions led by the
Course Assistant. The problem sessions are an important
part of the course. Problems sessions will be devoted mainly to
working problems and reviewing material. Even if you find you are
not having difficulty doing the homework problems, you should still
make a habit of attending these sessions.
There are multiple resources available if you are looking for some assistance with mathematics. The Math Question Center (MQC), located towards the back of Loker Coomons in the basement of Memorial Hall, is a place that you can drop by to work on or ask questions about your math homework. It is staffed by Course Assistants and Graduate Students (you can recognize them, since they're the ones wearing Hawaiian leis!) who are available to help you as you do your homework. The MQC is also a great place to meet and work with other people in your course. The center is typically open from 8 to 10 p.m. on Sundays through Thursdays.
Each section of Math 1a has an undergraduate course assistant who teaches a problem session each week. The problem sessions are dedicated to explaining material that was covered in class and are another excellent place to get help with your homework. You can find a schedule of the CA led problem sessions on the
Sections web page. The Sections web page is also the place where you can find out about TF office hours. Remember that you don't have to make an appointment to see your TF during office hours. All you have to do is show up. They will be happy to help you with any questions that you might have.
URL: http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~math1a/syllabus/ Copyright ©The President and Fellows of Harvard College |