Math 1a Exams


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Final Examination

Time and Place

Saturday, January 14, 2006 at 9:15 AM to 12:15 PM.
  • Students whose last name begins with A-L will take the exam in Science Center C.
  • Students whose name begins will M-Z will take the exam in Science Center B.

Preparing for the Final Exam

Calendar---Office Hours and MQC during Reading Period

Monday, January 9

  • Office hours at 10 AM-12 PM in the Mather Dining Hall (Wendy Widman)
  • Review Session II at 3-5 PM in Science D
  • MQC at 8-10 PM in Loker Commons

Tuesday, January 10

  • Office hours at 10 AM-12 PM in Science 429 (T. Judson)
  • Office hours at 3-5 PM in the Dunster Dining Hall (Emily Parfit)
  • CA Review Session at 4:30-6:30 PM in Science 507 (Jean Yang and Iain Kaplan)
  • MQC at 8-10 PM in Loker Commons

Wednesday, January 11

  • Review Session III at 3-5 PM in Science D
  • Office hours at 5-6 PM in Science 333g (Maksym Fedorchuk)
  • MQC at 8-10 PM in Loker Commons

Thursday, January 12

  • Office hours at 2-4 PM in the Science Center 4th Floor Math Lounge (Nicole Ali)
  • Office hours at 3-5 PM in Science 435 (Bret Benesh)
  • Office hours at 5-6 PM in Science 310 (Maksym Fedorchuk)
  • MQC at 8-10 PM in Loker Commons

Friday, January 13

  • Office hours at 5-7 PM in Loker Commons (Tatyana Chmutova)
  • Office hours at 7-8 PM in Loker Commons (Maksym Fedorchuk)

Saturday, January 14

  • Final Exam at 9:15 AM-12:15 PM

Precalculus Exam

  • You can take the precalculus practice exam here. You can download a pdf copy of the precalculus practice exam here. Solutions to the practice exam are here.

Midterm I

Midterm II

Exam Policy

Midterm exams are scheduled far in advance, and it is impossible to move the time or date. However, in rare cases where it is impossible for an individual to take the exam at the scheduled time, we will work with you to make other arrangements. Exceptions for taking the exam out of sequence are the following:
  1. A medical excuse. Please have your senior tutor or freshman dean contact us.
  2. A University sponsored event such as an athletic tournament, a play, or a musical performance. Your coach or director must contact us in advance. Athletic practices and rehearsals do not fall into this category.
  3. A religious holiday. Please send a short email explaining the situation.
  4. Extreme hardship such as a family emergency. Please have your senior tutor or freshman dean contact us.
  5. A class conflict. Please send us your complete schedule. Labs or a sections that can be rescheduled do not fall into this category.
The above are the only allowable excuses for taking the exam before the scheduled time. Under no circumstances do we give late exams. Since we can only accomodate a limited number of students taking the exam at an earlier time, please make sure that you fall into one of the above categories before you contact us. If you miss an exam due to illness or a family emergency, you will not be penalized. We will assign you a grade based on the rest of your coursework. If you have a conflict with the final exam, you must contact the Registrar. Only the Final Exams Office can schedule an out-of-sequence final exam.

January 9, 2006



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